The SSH Training Discovery Toolkit provides an inventory of training materials relevant for the Social Sciences and Humanities.
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Digital humanities
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Corpora of academic texts | This is a list of academic corpora that are available as part of the CLARIN Resource Families initiative. Corpora of academic texts contain scholarly writing, which includes research papers, essays and abstracts published in academic journals, conference proceedings, and edited volumes, theses written by students at the undergraduate and graduate levels, and scientific monographs.
Parthenos - For Trainers - Other Teaching Resources | The materials on this web site are intended to assist in bridging that gap, overcoming the general inclination within infrastructure projects to provide only training on tools, rather than finding effective ways to transfer a greater bulk of our experiential knowledge. These materials are intended for reuse, so please feel free to incorporate them in to your courses and syllabi, or direct your students toward them for further learning. Please apply a CC-BY license when you do reuse them, crediting the PARTHENOS Project and the specific lecturer by name (if a video or slide deck). This item focuses on other teaching resources that are available such as links to suggested course outlines, downloadable diagrams and checklists.
Parthenos - For Trainers - Training Slides | The materials on this web site are intended to assist in bridging that gap, overcoming the general inclination within infrastructure projects to provide only training on tools, rather than finding effective ways to transfer a greater bulk of our experiential knowledge. These materials are intended for reuse, so please feel free to incorporate them in to your courses and syllabi, or direct your students toward them for further learning. Please apply a CC-BY license when you do reuse them, crediting the PARTHENOS Project and the specific lecturer by name (if a video or slide deck). This item focuses on the training slides that are available through Parthenos. Slides on five topics are available: - Introduction to research infrastructures - Management challenges in research infrastructures - Collaborations in research infrastructures - Manage, Improve and Open up your Research Data - Formal Ontologies: A complete novice's guide
Parthenos - For Trainers - Training Videos | The materials on this web site are intended to assist in bridging that gap, overcoming the general inclination within infrastructure projects to provide only training on tools, rather than finding effective ways to transfer a greater bulk of our experiential knowledge. These materials are intended for reuse, so please feel free to incorporate them in to your courses and syllabi, or direct your students toward them for further learning. Please apply a CC-BY license when you do reuse them, crediting the PARTHENOS Project and the specific lecturer by name (if a video or slide deck). This item focuses on the Training Videos that are available through Parthenos. There are short videos, longer video lectures and webinar videos. Topics include videos on research infrastructures, standards, ontologies, data and metadata, FAIR data, Open Access and many others. |
Digital Humanities Course Registry | A dynamic map of university courses that deal with CLARIN content. |
Manage, improve and open up your research and data | This module looks at emerging trends and best practice in data management, quality assessment and IPR issues. It looks at policies regarding data management and their implementation, particularly in the framework of a Research Infrastructure. |
Formal Ontologies: A Complete Novice’s Guide | This module is specifically aimed at those who are not yet familiar with ontologies as a means of research data management, and will take you through some of the main features of ontologies, and the reasons for using them. |
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CLARIN Legal Information Platform | The platform aims to introduce researchers with basic notions related to the legislative and licensing framework in Europe on Copyright and Data Protection:
It also includes proposals for: |
CLARIN Depositing Services | One of the fundamental services of the CLARIN infrastructure is making sure that language resources can be archived and made available to the community in a reliable manner. To help researchers to store their resources (e.g. corpora, lexica, audio and video recordings, annotations, grammars, etc.) in a sustainable way, many of the CLARIN centres offer a depositing service. They are willing to store the resources in their repository and assist with the technical and organisational details. This has a wide range of advantages:
CLARIN Resource Families | The aim of the CLARIN Resource Families initiative is to provide a user-friendly overview of the available language resources in the CLARIN infrastructure for researchers from digital humanities, social sciences and human language technologies. The overviews are organized according to the types of data in the resources and include listings sorted by language. The listings include the most important metadata and brief descriptions, such as resource size, text sources, time periods, annotations and licences as well as links to download pages and concordancers, whenever available. In addition to the resources found in the CLARIN infrastructure, CLARIN Resource Families provides an overview of other existing valuable language resources which have not yet been integrated in the infrastructure. CLARIN Resource Families also provides hyperlinks to other relevant materials such as the thematic CLARIN workshops and tutorials and their accompanying videolectures, as well as a list of key publications on the resources surveyed. |