The SSH Training Discovery Toolkit provides an inventory of training materials relevant for the Social Sciences and Humanities.
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Data sharing
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Australian Research Data Commons Training Materials | The ARDC is a transformational initiative that enables Australian research community and industry access to nationally significant, leading edge data intensive eInfrastructure, platforms, skills and collections of high-quality data. The purpose of the ARDC is to provide Australian researchers with competitive advantage through data, providing access to leading edge eResearch collections, tools, infrastructure and services. Its mission is to accelerate research and innovation by driving excellence in the creation, analysis and retention of high-quality data assets. |
UK Data Service: Manage Data | Online data management guidance and resources for researchers, developed by the UK Data Service. This resource provides best practice guidance and advice, including examples, exercises, tools and templates. The focus is on the social sciences and research with human participants. Particular areas covered are:
Research Data Mantra | Free online course for those who manage digital data as part of the research process. It has been created for the use of post-graduate students, early career researchers, and also information professionals.
There are eight online units in this course and four data handling tutorials that will help you:
Each unit takes up to one hour, plus time for further reading and carrying out the data handling exercises. In the units you will find explanations, descriptions, examples, exercises, and video clips in which academics, PhD students and others talk about the challenges of managing research data.
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ENVRI WEEK 2021 - Training session: PIDs for instruments and GDPR in context | Presentations and course material from the ENVRI Week 2021 training session held online on 4 February 2021. |
FAIR data management | Video is a talk by Anna Schwickerath (GESIS) on how to make your data findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable (FAIR). |
Ethical and legal issues in managing and sharing data | Video is a talk by Libby Bishop (GESIS) on ethical and legal issues in managing and sharing data. |
Meeting funders’ requirements – archiving and data sharing | YouTube Video: This introductory webinar is for anyone who is involved in the collection of data and is considering making (some of) their data available in accordance with funders’ requirements. This webinar aims to raise awareness about relevant key data management practices for sharing, specifically regarding data documentation, gaining consent, and data anonymisation. it provides a short theoretical introduction, including what FAIR means and how it is implemented, as well as practical illustrations drawing on a large-scale cross-national survey (the European Social Survey). It also provides some practical tips with respect to data archiving, in particular how to choose an appropriate archive or repository. |
DIY Research Data Management Training Kit for Librarians | Training kit for librarians who wish to gain confidence and understanding of research data management, based on open educational materials, covering five topics:
The kit uses the Research Data Mantra online course and selected exercises from the UK Data Archive. It further contains a training schedule, podcasts for short talks, presentation slides, evaluation forms, data curation profiles and reflective writing questions based on the experience of academic librarians who have taken the course. Data Curation Profiles provide a complete framework for interviewing a researcher in any discipline about their research data and their data management practices. |
RDM for librarians | Content for a three-hour introductory RDM session for librarians. The course covers:
The materials consist of presentation slides and an accompanying handbook. |
Consent for data sharing resources | Detailed guidance for researchers, with model consent form and example consent forms, on how to consider future reuse of research data as part of consent procedures with research participants. To make sure that research data, in particular qualitative data, can be made available for future reuse, it is important that consent for future reuse of the data by other researchers is sought from participants. Participants should be informed how research data will be stored, preserved and used in the long-term, and how confidentiality can be protected when needed. Guidance considers written and verbal consent, the timing of consent, examples consent forms and wording to use, etc. |