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Open Science tools

Title Body
Train-the-trainer card game for Open Science training

GOAL:  Trainers can use this game to facilitate ‘train-the-trainer’ workshops. Participants design a usable framework for a training – which will they deliver themselves at a later stage -  on (a) topic(s) of their choice. The card game offers the participants the option to preselect audience type, audience size, training type and audience knowledge level. In addition, two ‘unforeseen’ circumstances can be added: audience mood, and ‘trouble’ (uh-oh!).  Apart from going home with a usable design for a training, the audience of this workshop will also benefit from the input and experience of the other participants.  

AUDIENCE: (Potential) trainers on Open Science related topics.  These trainers are supposed to have a sufficient level of knowledge about their training topic(s) in order for them to be able to pass it on in the trainings they will organise themselves at a later stage. This exercise is suitable for max. 7 groups, consisting of 2-4 trainers per group.

DURATION: 1,5 hour preparation time, +15 mins for persona exercise, + 15 minutes per group for presentation and evaluation

This game is still in beta mode. New versions will be released as we have more chances to practice with real audiences!

This game is licensed under the CC BY-SA 4.0 license. You can reuse and remix this game as you please, but you have to credit Gwen Franck as the creator, and you have to share the new versions under the same conditions as the original.