The SSH Training Discovery Toolkit provides an inventory of training materials relevant for the Social Sciences and Humanities.

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EOSC-Synergy Training Platform

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EOSC-Synergy training platform is set of tools for the creation and conduction EOSC related training courses. It facilitates cloud related courses providing tools for interactive computing. The platform is based on the container’s technologies, that allows for combining together in a suitable learning setup for students/training participants.

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Title Description Collections
Bringing synergy to better data management and research in Europe

The course includes a series of recorded videos, quizes, and practical assignments that will allow you to go through the course at your own pace. It invites researchers, students, trainers and data professionals and any other individual that is looking to gain basic knowledge on Open Science, EOSC and best practices for FAIR data.

Training Discovery Toolkit
Interactive computing

Service based on Jupyter Notebook enables the creation and sharing of documents containing “live” code, equations, visualisations and texts. It allows to write simple programs, numerical simulations, statistical modeling, data visualization and much more.

Training Discovery Toolkit
Shared drive

Online tools allow you to easily and quickly share personal documents, the results of teams, the work of individual trainees. The service is used to securely store and synchronize files. The service is based on the open source NextCloud software.

Training Discovery Toolkit
Synergy Train the Trainer Programme

Massive open online courses platform. This service is based on the worldwide most popular Moodle platform. Platform provides interactive courses capabilities with user forums to support community interactions among students and tutors as well as immediate feedback to quick quizzes and assignments.

Training Discovery Toolkit

Conduct online training and consultation wherever you are. Talk, share screen, upload files without installing applications. The video conferencing tool is based on the edumeet software.

Training Discovery Toolkit