The SSH Training Discovery Toolkit provides an inventory of training materials relevant for the Social Sciences and Humanities.

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DigCurV - Digital Curator Vocational Education Europe Project

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DigCurV, was a project funded by the European Commission’s Leonardo da Vinci programme to establish a curriculum framework for vocational training in digital curation launched today.

Europe’s digital sector has seen strong growth in recent years. The pace of development and change in the information technology sector presents challenges to cultural institutions responsible for management and long-term preservation of digital collections. Ensuring that staff gain access to the necessary training is a challenge that institutions face. A Market and Trend Analysis Report completed by DigitalPreservationEurope shows that digital preservation is becoming one of the main strategic priorities for institutions – they are increasingly aware that digital resources are fragile and that they are at risk.

DigCurV addressed the availability of vocational training for digital curators in the library, archive, museum and cultural heritage sectors needed to develop new skills that are essential for the long-term management of digital collections.

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CURATE! The Digital Curator Game

The CURATE game is designed to be used as an exercise that prompts players to put themselves into digital project scenarios in order to address issues and challenges that arise when institutions engage with digital curation and preservation.

Developed as a means to highlight the importance of training in digital curation among practitioners and managers working in libraries, museums and cultural heritage institutes, the game has been used as a self-assessment tool, a team-building exercise and a training tool for early career students.

Training Discovery Toolkit