The SSH Training Discovery Toolkit provides an inventory of training materials relevant for the Social Sciences and Humanities.

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CLARIN Knowledge Sharing

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The aim of the CLARIN Knowledge Sharing Initiative is to ensure ensure that the available knowledge and expertise provided by CLARIN consortia does not exist as a fragmented collection of unconnected bits and pieces, but is made accessible in an organized way to the CLARIN community and to the Social Sciences and Humanities research community at large. 

One central step in building the Knowledge Sharing Infrastructure is the establishment of Knowledge Centres. Most existing CLARIN centres are able to get the status of a Knowledge Centre right away; the K-Centres rather formalize and centrally register the existing expertise but does usually not require much additional effort from an institute except that the knowledge-sharing services have to be reliable and their skope has to be made explicit on a dedicated web-page of the respective institute(s).

The list of CLARIN Knowledge Centres is available here:

Responsible organisation

No endpoint visible or other ways to harvest. Is based on Drupal 7


Title Description Collections
Digital Humanities Course Registry

A dynamic map of university courses that deal with CLARIN content.

Training Discovery Toolkit